Monday, November 15, 2010

6 Months Old!

Owen is now 6 months old!
I can't believe how fast the last six months have gone by!

Owen is in the 46th percentile for weight at 17 lbs 3 oz! (he's almost five pounds heavier than Baylee was at his age!) He is in the 71st percentile for height at 27 inches long! His doctor said he has very nice growth and proportion :)

He is constantly outgrowing his clothes! It feels like every week I'm boxing up clothes that have gotten too tight on him and getting out bigger sizes!

Owen now has his two bottom front teeth! If you look closely at the picture you can see them! He's been pretty drooly lately so I think he's working on some more!

He can now roll over from his back to his belly and he's been able to foll from his belly to his back for about three months!

Owen is a good little eater! He loves his bottle and he REALLY loves solid food!

Owen loves to play with toys and cell phones, cameras, remotes, etc. He love to watch Baylee run around, he loves his mommy (especially when I make him laugh), and he loves to sit on the couch by his daddy and watch sports!


Stephanie said...

I just love this kid! He makes my heart happy.

Andrew & Carlene Wood said...

Wow...I can't believe he is that much bigger than Bailey! He is just growing up so quickly....I guess time flies when they are not your own!