Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ogden Temple!

Mark and I went to the Ogden temple last week. We went to our last session there before the renovation! I love the Ogden temple because I grew up in Ogden, and it is the Temple Mark and I were married in!
When the church announced the renovation I was a little sad that it will not look how it looked when we were married, but I think it's going to be even more beautiful so I'm excited!

Here are a few pics of how the temple looked on our wedding day:

This is how the temple will look in 12-18 months!

It really is a gorgeous design, so I'm excited for it!

We took the kids on Sunday to take a few pictures by the temple before they close it. We weren't the only people there taking pictures either! :)

I like this picture Mark took of Owen and me!

The kids and me!

Baylee is a "tree hugger!" Her words!

I think I'll get one of these pictures printed and hang it on my wall!
(We don't have an Ogden temple picture!)


Stephanie said...

Good pictures Jen! I might have to get some from you! We went last night and we took a couple...but I didn't have my good camera.

Harmony said...

I never knew that's where you and Mark got married! :) It's definitely a bitter/sweet moment. Although I heard it's suppose to be closed 18-24 months! (At least that's what our stake told us.) Bountiful Temple here we come!

Heidi said...

k, so i have a question...I always love the picture collages you make on your blog and especially the header at the top. I went on smile box and made a collage but when it shows up on my blog the ads are with it unless you pay for it and you can't put it as a header.. anyway long question short how do you do yours? I would love to know, post me a comment if you can explain it.... Thanks!

Heidi said...

K so i figured it out! I downloaded a different program and it seems to work good!

Heidi said...

That is actually the program I found and I downloaded it, it was way easy!

Jenn said...

Your pics of the Ogden temple are GORGEOUS. You have gotten so good at using your camera in a few short months! I really need to take the time to learn mine better. We didnt spend all that money for nothing! Maybe you can show me a few tricks :-)