Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Family Picture Time 2011

We had Mark's dad take some family pictures for us!  I love how they turned out!  I love getting family pictures taken.  We try to do it every year!  

We went to Union Station.  It's a popular picture place and we hadn't ever done any there before.  It was the second place we went though, and it was Owen's nap time, so it was getting harder to get him to cooperate. We didn't get to find as many fun picture spots as I would have liked to, but I think that the spots we did find turned out great!

I drive by this awesome colorful garage door almost every time I go to work.  I noticed it about a year ago and I've been dying to have pictures taken by it!  
I'm so glad we went there I love, love,love the bright colors!  

I love these pictures with Owen and the balloons! So cute and so fun!  

One thing I didn't think about when I decided to get balloons for a prop is that Baylee is terrified of balloons and kites flying away.  She always wants to keep them inside where they are safe!  She was really worried when Owen was holding the balloons!
She is too funny

Here are a few more train pictures!  


Stephanie said...

I LOVE them! You all are so cute! Owen is a little stud! Baylee is so cute, her fun little personality shines through in these pictures! Funny that she is still afraid balloons and kites will fly away...poor girl!

Jenn said...

Did you take these yourself@? and I have wanted to take family pics in front of that garage for YEARS!! I've told Jeff about it a 1000 times and we've never done it. Your pictures are so cute, I love them all.